
Sunday, April 7, 2013

10 Days...

10 days... really?!

The past week was a whirlwind of activity... we had Brokers here Monday to do the Comparative Market Analysis... Tuesday we drove to Greenville and started House Hunting Trip #2. Looked Tue afternoon, Wed, Thur, Fri... Thursday made an offer on a house. Friday received a counter, we countered, they countered, we countered... waiting to hear tomorrow if they accept or counter again.

Spent Friday evening with the wonderful Sauls family. What a blessing to meet their precious family ♥ The younger boys are now really, REALLY excited about the move 'cause we have friends there now, Mama!'

The moving surveyor came today to do a walk through and determine how many days to schedule to pack and load... and to do a rough estimate of our poundage. We are way over the paid-for limit... surprise anyone? LOL. We had already planned to rent a Uhaul but I guess we will need to rent a larger one now ;) Unless the extra fees for over poundage negate the price of a Uhaul and storage... ? So much to figure out...

What a ride!!! Weeeeeeee............