
Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring is Springing Forth...

I just love Spring in the Carolinas... the way it just gently unfolds... Not a burst of Spring... just a gentle unfolding...  peeks of green grass stretching toward the sun... the tops of trees beginning to bud... daffodils in full bloom... and babies!
Just in the past few weeks we have purchased ducklings and chicks... had a litter of kittens born... hatched from the incubator chicks... Spring, I love it!
Part of our first batch of feed store chicks

Cayuga ducklings

Silkie chick and Serama chick (she was a special needs chick who did not survive... :( )
The one on the right is a Silkie.  Nehemiah named them Queen Poop and Miss Fluffy.
Sam and Luke's little flock, they incubated the eggs... the small ones are Bantam chicks.

Spring.  I do believe it is my very favorite time of the year!

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