
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Andy and Missy... sittin' in a tree...

Tony's brother Andy finally found his other half!  Missy is a delightful addition to the Looney Lewis Family!  LOL  They got married last weekend in a beautiful state park lodge.  It was a lovely and perfect 'Andy & Missy' wedding!
These are all from a quick photo shoot at Grandmother's house before we left for the wedding...

The closest I have to 'twins'....

My redhaired ones...

Sam, Caleb and Luke... all grown up...

MaryVance and Sam

Sam and Molly

My stairsteps are all messy now!  LOL

The rest of these are from the wedding... MaryVance was on camera duty so if you see lots of pictures of our children holding 'babies', you will know why!

See... don't say I didn't warn you!  Molly and Gavin (nephew of Missy)

Emma, Gavin's twin sister, with Sam

Gavin and Isaac

Emma and Elijah

Emma, Elijah, Gavin, Isaac

Oh, yeah, there was a wedding too!   Lovely cake made by Tony and Andy's sister Mandy!

Oh look!  It's Emma again... with Isaac :)

Boy believes his Mama when she said 'You better not get food on that tie!' LOL

Nehemiah and Isaac, in the background is Grandmother and Judy's long-time friends, DeAnn and Tim.

Emma and Molly, looking at puppy pics on Molly's phone.

Gavin and Luke

The wedding was so wonderful, just perfect for Andy & Missy!  It was so wonderful to meet her family and we really enjoyed spending time with Gavin and Emma! 

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