
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Family Bible Time Thoughts "Living in the Spirit" -Joseph

If we walk in the spirit then we are denying our flesh, and since we LIVE in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit.

That is a combo of two verses from Galatians chapter 5;16,25

What does it mean to live in the spirit?

Living in the spirit is a daily thing. to deny the lust of the flesh. We do not have to give in to the flesh, though we are flesh, we have something that is greater than our flesh, we have the Spirit we as Christians live in a constant war-zone, flesh against the spirit, and we are the deciding factor in our daily battle we can decide to back up the flesh, six days a week, and on Sunday we can give reinforcements to the spirit. But that is not what Walking In the Spirit is really about. (here is the Websters 1828 definition)

WALKING, participle present tense Walking. Moving on the legs with a slow pace; moving; conducting ones self.

Since walking is a present tense it means that it is constant, if God told us to take a lap with the spirit, then doing it once a week would be enough, but that's not what he is talking about. It is not a suggestion, look at the way the verse is worded

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”

If it said. This I say then, when you walk in the spirit ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Then that is different

These are two totally different ideas, for instance, if when God gave Moses the ten commandments. instead of commandments he put suggestions, or if the Bible said to love your enemies only when you feel like it. When he says to walk in the spirit it is a command, we as Christians live in the spirit, we become dead to our flesh and become God's children, but our flesh is still there even though it is dead. And we can still give in to it. I know its hard not to give in to the flesh, because up to the point we become Christians that is all we know, it reminds me of what Jesus said about the two masters, he said that you will either love the one and hate the other, or you will hold to one and despise the other you CANNOT serve God and mammon.
If we live in the spirit then there are certain characteristics that we have, we have fruits from living a walking life with God, fruits from the Spirit love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. If we want those characteristics all we have to do is put our flesh with the affections and lusts on the cross, we cannot do that without God because without God we have no cross to nail them to.

In conclusion we can either serve our flesh the thing that is so easy to do, but all it does for us is deceive us and leads us in an unfruitful life.

But if we live in the spirit, then there is so much more for us, we can live a life that is pleasing to God, bringing people to him, and helping other Christians grow, we can have a reason for being here in this confused world, if we want to here Jesus say to us "well done my good and faithful servant " than we need to live for in all we do and he will take care of everything. 

Family Bible Time Thoughts "Love in Deed" -Elijah

       "Love in deed"       IV-XIII-MMXXII

1 John 3:18
1 Cor 13:1   | If we love in word and in tongue,
                     | but not in deed and in truth, then
                     | we aren't really loving at all. Love
                     | in word and tongue only, isn't
                     | committing to love when it is hard.

To love in word is easy. But to love in deed
takes effort, but it isn't hard in itself. The hard
part is choosing to let go of what we want, to
do what others need. 
That is sacrifice. 
That is true love.

But what are we sacrificing?

Our time and energy that we wish to spend on
ourselves. But if we instead invest in service
to others, we find that it is full filling to our
own spirit, and makes us more like Christ.
To live Christ-like is to live giving away ourselves to others(saved and lost).

So if you want to live like Christ, and love in deed, you must sacrifice your life(pleasures, desires, and dreams) daily, to those God puts in your path.
Choose to love the souls God has made.
John 13:13-15