
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Family Bible Time Thoughts "Love in Deed" -Elijah

       "Love in deed"       IV-XIII-MMXXII

1 John 3:18
1 Cor 13:1   | If we love in word and in tongue,
                     | but not in deed and in truth, then
                     | we aren't really loving at all. Love
                     | in word and tongue only, isn't
                     | committing to love when it is hard.

To love in word is easy. But to love in deed
takes effort, but it isn't hard in itself. The hard
part is choosing to let go of what we want, to
do what others need. 
That is sacrifice. 
That is true love.

But what are we sacrificing?

Our time and energy that we wish to spend on
ourselves. But if we instead invest in service
to others, we find that it is full filling to our
own spirit, and makes us more like Christ.
To live Christ-like is to live giving away ourselves to others(saved and lost).

So if you want to live like Christ, and love in deed, you must sacrifice your life(pleasures, desires, and dreams) daily, to those God puts in your path.
Choose to love the souls God has made.
John 13:13-15

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