
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Hello, it's me again...

 Oh dear!  It's been so long... I haven't posted pictures in so long because my phone and blogger do not get along together, at all... It couldn't be that I am technology-challenged... not at all.  Ugh.

I'm going to attempt to post some photos, let's see how it goes...

Well, what do you know?!  It worked!!  Woohoo!!! This lovely young woman in all three photos is MaryVance!  I know!  She's such a lovely young woman, a true delight to my soul!  She's posing with Joseph (now the tallest Lewis son!) and Brandy (her dear friend and our "niece" by choice!)  

Isaac's half birthday lunch at a cute local 50s-esque diner!

We've been doing a lot of projects around here, painting inside, working on finishing out the garage, lots of yardwork.  It's a busy season of life but I do love being busy :)

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