
Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Spring 2023 Updates!

 It seems like we 'just' moved to Cleveland, how has it been two and a half years?!

We are mostly settled in, lol, one more building project and some interior painting to do... and (you know me) there will always be 'one more project'!

So, what's new?  Molly and Jon were married last October <3  Sam and Hannah are expecting a little fella!  The grandgirls are grand!  Joseph is officially as tall as his Daddy!  Of course, everyone is taller than me except the little girls ;)  

We (me and MaryVance) are still working on the shop, though it's been more 'miss' than 'hit' the past year.  We did decide to rename and rebrand when we moved since 'on Jordan Creek' was actually where we lived before.  We wanted something not geographically-based (since not even the locals know where Cleveland is!) and something more bag-centric and something that eluded to our names... so, Merry Day Bag Co was born!  Merry for MaryVance and Day for me ;)  

The Poikas began last February building an online reselling business through eBay.  Their store is Waywalkers   They buy and resell shoes, clothing and small electronics mostly.

Let's see, what else?  Caleb is not with Greenville Media anymore.  He is working to finish his associates degree, one class left!  Praying and trusting God's leading for his next job and whatever the Lord has for him in that area.

Luke graduates May 5 from BJU with his BS in Engineering, Civil emphasis and was hired last month by a local engineering firm, all praise to God.

I think that's a good update for now, holler if you have questions!  

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