
Monday, December 17, 2007

Buggy Grain...

Short story... ya wanna see what you do with buggy grain?

I wish I had thought to get pics when they were playing in the backyard with the buggy grain. They had three totes out there and were playing with cars and trucks and little men. They had a blast! And the chickens are now enjoying the buggy grain.

So... for the long story... we always order our wheat from Wheat Montana. Great wheat. Never any problems. But this time we got a "great deal" ordering from Walton Feed so we decided to give them a try. We bought two 50 pound bags and when we opened them this is what we saw:
Yummy... see the chewed up kernels of grain?Cute little boogers... not.

After many fruitless emails back and forth with Walton Feed (who basically "can't do anything" about this... I think we may be nearing a resolution... just a 'heads-up' if you ever plan to order from them...)

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