
Monday, December 17, 2007

Last Week... In Review... Part 2

Molly was a server in the wedding and Sarah asked that everyone wear the 'wedding colors' so Molly picked out fabric for a new skirt and I spent Friday sewing for my girls!

Of course MaryVance needed a new dress too... the boys wore navy plaid so she was our 'tie it all together' person with navy fabric with mauve flowers. She picked out the pattern and I Promise it does not look like a 'costume' on the pattern... but it sure does all made up. Oh well... she Loves it anyway!

I'm gonna have to work on the neck though. It's a tad loose. It doesn't look too low-cut until she bends over. I think it's just because she's so thin...
I really intended to have someone take a family pic for us at the wedding... but it was raining outside... So I intended to have someone take a family pic at church yesterday but it was Incredibly Windy and chilly... so...
I just need Lauren to come for a visit... Oh Laaareeen...

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