
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Joseph's First Steps

These are from June 29, 2007. Joseph is our first child to walk before his first birthday.

Photography by Caleb

Here are a couple of other ones Caleb took in consideration of the photo contest.

Elijah and Isaac walking up our driveway.

A farm scene in northern Jackson county.

Elijah Crockett

This was taken by Caleb. He and Molly entered a photo contest this year and this was one of his possible entries.

Elijah's Reading Lesson

He's doing so good! That Leap Frog Letter Factory dvd really paid off! :)

I think he's reading /th/... ya think?

Lewis Children's Blog

The children want to enter the world of blogging... :D

Joseph Helps Make Brownies (recipe included)

Joseph loves to help make brownies... of course it's the Nancy's Famous Brownie recipe -- it's the only one that has the Lewis Children Stamp of Approval!

Now that you are hungry for brownies, I'll share the recipe!
Nancy's Famous Brownies (with a Lewis twist)
1 1/3 c flour
3/4 c cocoa
2 c sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2/3 c oil (or butter... says Nancy... I always use oil)
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 c chopped nuts (optional)
and the Lewis twist:
1 c milk chocolate chips
Combine dry ingredients. Combine wet ingredients in another bowl then add to dry (I never do that part, I just dump it all in and hit 'go' and then add the chocolate chips). Do not overmix. Spread in a greased 9x13 pan and bake for 20-25 minutes at 350.
Doubles well (we always double it and put it in an 11x15 pan). You can use no chocolate chips or you can use any kind of chips you have on hand. I have used peanut butter chips and that's yummy too! Nancy uses Andes mint chips for a different twist. Oh and I used peppermint chips once... you really can't go wrong with this recipe! Thanks Nancy!!!

How can anyone sleep like this?

One of the children snapped this of MaryVance a few days ago.

Sewing for Leah

This is a little ensemble I made for a little girl at church. Her name is Leah and she's two months old now. It's a dress with pinafore, bonnet and bloomers. I have some fabric to make her another dress that will match the same pinafore, bonnet and bloomers. Maybe I'll do that today...

My Little Men

MaryVance got Elijah and Isaac dressed up as Gentlemen the other day. She made their 'bowties' all by herself!

Joseph and Roo

A couple of weeks ago we were blessed to have the Hunter children with us for the weekend. One of our children was taking pictures and I found this one on the memory stick.

That pic just cracks me up!!! They really did have fun though...

Watching a movie...

Kyla and Elijah

blue eyes abound!

Precious (or should I say 'precocious') AnnaRuth (Roo)!

What's this?

Okay, I've never claimed to be an expert on peppers... I have a question. Several months ago we were out of town and our friends checked on the animals for us. They went to the tomato farm before coming here and left us some fresh tomatoes and peppers on the counter. One of these was a red bell pepper and when I was cutting it open this is what it looked like inside:

Is this normal? Is this what they always look like on the inside? It just struck me as Really Odd! Here's a close-up of the innard part!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another New Family of Friends!!

This post really should come before the post about the G's but I can't figure out how to move it... so just pretend!

When Tracy emailed me and we got to chatting she said she had a good friend who lived near me named Cristal. So, what did I do? Of course, I emailed Cristal (or did she email me first? I forget). Cristal and I hit it off, of course... She's a MOMYS too! Cristal and her family came for supper one night. David and Cristal have six children and their ages mesh right with the ages of our children.

Here's a group shot of the L and L children! Oh and we had the H children visiting too so the extra six are H's! Can you tell who is who? I'll give you a hint... most of the blondes are H's... but not all of them... all of the Lewis' are wearing red but not all of the ones in red are Lewis'.

The children had so much fun! All twenty of them. They were scattered about playing various games. Some of the bigs ended up in the living room playing Apples to Apples. They had so much fun!!


I decided to take advantage of the great lighting at BK and snap some pics of the children... excuse the silly one...

Caleb will be 15 in November!
Molly is 13.
Sam is 11.
Luke (aka The Silly One) is 9.
MaryVance is 7.

Elijah is five!

Isaac is 3, he'll be four in December.

Joseph is adorable! Oh...yes... his age...he's 14 months of yum!

Our Family's Trip Highlight...

We met a wonderful family and made new friends!!

Most of you have heard me talk about the MOMYS... well we met this family through the MOMYS group!

They live near Orlando and when they heard we were coming down that way they very graciously opened their home to us. We had a wonderful visit and a delicious supper! Yum!!

I left my camera in the van but Tracy and her daughter Jessica took some pics. If they will share with me I'll post them here!

Anyway, they are the G family! Steve and Tracy and they have nine children. Several of their children are the same ages as our children and they all had so much fun visiting and playing together!

Meeting the G's was definitely the highlight of our whole trip!

The "Orlando Trip" ~ highlight for Joseph

What a darling! What a dear! One year olds are such fun!!! We went to a Burger King on our last morning in Orlando. Joseph isn't quite big enough to play on the climbing structure but he found his own fun!!

Maybe he's gonna be a shoe salesman? heeheehee


Tony had meetings in Orlando last Thursday and Friday. Hotel stays aren't the most fun for little ones... but we made the best of it. We made a run to the store for crayons and coloring books... Here's the highlight of our hotel stay:
Who says crayons are just for coloring?! hahaha

Our Family

Front row, Elijah 5, MaryVance 7, Isaac 3
Next row, Luke 9, Molly 13, Dana, Caleb 14, Samuel 11
Back row Tony holding Joseph 1
This photo was taken in June.

Why "Surrendered"...

Because our goal is to live our lives fully surrendered to Him.