
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our Beautiful Molly is 14

Happy Birthday Molly!

What a sweet, excited smile!
Who else would be so excited and surprised by an alarm clock?! :-)
A fun game she learned to play at the S's in Missouri!
What? One last surprise! Something from her Daddy! I think she likes it... what do you think?!
Our sweet Molly. You are such a joy to us. We are so thankful to the Lord for putting you in our family! Thank you for being such a great big sister and a wonderful daughter!
We love you!


  1. Happy Birthday Molly! Looks like you had a great day! You are such a blessing to your family :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Molly!!

    My oldest daughter is also 14, and she also was excited about getting an alarm clock. It must be a big sister thing!! =)

  3. Yes, Happy Birthday sweet Molly!!You truly were a blessing to be around when we visited. And we LOVE catch phrase!!

  4. she is indeed a sweet can see it all over!


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