
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our chick named itself today...

He/She was chirping so sweetly I wanted to capture it on video to share with all of you. :-)
Sorry for all the background noise.

Can you guess what he/she named him/herself today?

Here are a few more pics. Squirt will be five weeks old tomorrow.


  1. Just cute!!!! =) What type of bird is Squirt?

  2. Oh Dana - I just discovered your blog from Bettendorf's blog. Followed your link over here. I really like it and may do something similar at the bottom, like you have. Do you mind?

    I think I'll subscribe -- I love reading blogs. °Ü°

    Your family photo is lovely! Won't you cherish that photo!?!

  3. Kitty,
    Squirt is either a Black Giant or a Black Star (chicken). :)

    Jennifer, Thanks dear! Copy away!!!


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