
Thursday, April 30, 2009

On the road again...

Well, I guess "again" is relative, isn't it? We are on our way to TN to visit my family and Tony's family and some friends! Right now, as I type, we are in Alabama on our way to our first stop. We are meeting my friend Faith and her children for breakfast. We are very excited to finally meet them 'in real life'. You see, Faith and I have been aquainted via message boards (for Christian wives and mothers) for many years. She and her husband have children who line up nicely in age with ours :) and we are excited to All make new friends today!

How am I connected to the internet while traveling? Good question. I have a good, non-technical answer for you. Tony got this dohickey thingamajig that allows you to connect via the cell phone towers. :) Which reminds me, I need to email my mother. I told her we were coming but I didn't tell her exactly when. We are late plan-makers. I left her cell phone number at home -blush-. I should call Daddy too -nodding-.

I know you are hanging on to my every word LOL so I will be sure to keep you updated on our Journey To The Great North!


  1. Have a wonderful and SAFE trip!

  2. Wish i'd known you were coming through - We have 2 campers between Mom, Dad and I we would have loved to share with ya ( or several empty beds too) - and would love to see you all as well!!! (sad face)

  3. Lolo,
    I didn't even think about that! Thank you for the offer.

    We will be back in Bvlle Saturday night, Sunday and we are going to the zoo Monday but will be back Monday night. We are leaving Tuesday morning.

    I definitely planned to call your folks and get together with y'all sometime if we can. We don't do much advance planning, there are too many variables, ya know?

    Do you have my cell number? I'll email it to you.

    Is there a time that we can get together???



Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!