
Friday, May 1, 2009

on the road again, AGAIN ~ Day 2 - Pics added with Faith's family

On the road again... :) Today we are heading to Hendersonville to spend the evening and tomorrow morning visiting with Tony's family! His mother rented a pavillion at the park and we are eating lunch there today!

Yesterday we met Faith and her children. They made us a wonderful picnic breakfast -- it was very yummy and Much Appreciated! Her children are delightful and mine are already asking when we can visit them again. Thank you Faith and family!!! You are very gracious hostesses!

We drove on to Brownsville after several more stretching/potty/nursing stops and got there around 6pm. My sister and her son were at Daddy's. It was so good to see them!

*********** LAST NIGHT'S ADVENTURE ************
It was a long, long night... we got the tents all set up and then went back to town to get some supper. And it rained. And rained. When we got back to Daddy's the tents were a little wet inside. Not too bad but we didn't know if was gonna keep raining or not.

The children need their sleeping bags for tonight and if they got wet last night we would be in a mess. So we decided we could either go back to town and get a hotel (trying to save money so that wasn't our first choice), we could sleep on Daddy's screened-in porch (pretty dry but no protection from the wind) or we could clean out Daddy's detached single car garage and sleep there. That's what we did.

Pulled out the mower, weedeaters, etc... put plywood on the floor, covered with old blankets and put down the sleeping bags.Tony and I slept on twin air mattresses. :) We were dry and warm. Life is a fun adventure!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dana,
    Hope you all have a wonderful trip. We are cleaning at Mowery, so we have fast internet, at home it just takes too long to do this.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!