
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And it continues... part 8

So Daddy decided he would save himself a lot of steps if he removed the screen and climbed in and out of the window (cutting the crown moulding pieces)... 

How many little hineys fit in a window?  Let's count them... 1...2...3...4...
And from the 'front side' LOL

When you say "Smile Nehemiah" he gives you this cheesy grin!  He's so funny!

I love those four musketeers!  :D

Okay, where was I?  Oh yeah, the bedroom.  Here ya go!

View looking north, the north end of the room is almost done.  The nail holes in the crown moulding need to be set and puttied but that's all for that end except the closet door and ceiling fan!  Woohoo! 
Just waitin' on doors!

Remember the Dutch door the boys and I made?  Here it is!


Looking south.  Still just a bit of painting to do at the top of the closet so all the clothes got moved back out of that side. 

The Shoe Closet!  Yes, it's blue inside.  We were out of 'secluded garden' (the main wall color) but had plenty of ' something? rain' left (from the Boonesborough wall).

So we still have to finish the doors for the top of the closets (little hidey doors with rope handles!), hang about a third of the crown moulding, hang the ceiling fans, hang the closet doors.  Then we'll move the beds in.  The floor needs to be repaired by our trusty flooring friend but I haven't even talked to him about it yet -blush-

It's coming along!!  Tony took yesterday off and got a lot done.  Then he called right after lunch and said he was on his way home again to get the cuts made he needs for the moulding before the rain gets here!

I'll keep you posted!


  1. YAY! I'm so excited to see this coming along for ya'll! Can't wait to see the big finish!

  2. Wow! It's looking fabulous! Great job to all!

    *Dana, that door is SO cool!
    *Love the colors!
    *I wish we were close enough to be your trusty flooring friends!
    *What's in all of the bins?

    Oh, and the boys in the window is absolutely precious! Nathan did the same scrunchy face this when we asked him to smile too! LOL!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!