
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

a brief peek at part 9

The little doors above the closet, with their rope handle!  One last door to hang and then the moulding to hang. 
Molly has been rearranging and organizing the boys clothes drawers all morning! ROFLOL! 
Next:  Here come the beds!!  We can do that ourselves and then tomorrow Tony can do the doors and ceiling fans!
It's so close!

By way of explanation:  these doors were my idea (in case you wondered who would think of such a crazy and unorthodox thing -- lol).  I can't stand the idea of wasted space and I wanted us to have access to the storage space above the hanging rack!  So far, so good!

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! Cause you know I love comments, and I want my friends and readers to be happy, happy, happy!!!