
Monday, April 27, 2015

Our 2014 Father's Day Get-Together... in pictures

2014 - Father's Day Fellowship
We invited "all" of our SC friends to celebrate with us!  We provided Tony's favorite (Taco Salad) and our friends provided their 'Daddy's' favorite add-ons and each family also honored their 'Daddy' by sharing his favorite dessert with all of us!  It was such a fun time!  We invited the B's, S's, other B's, L's, and R's... all in all, including our family, we had 51 here for the afternoon and evening.  We finished up the evening with a hymn sing and sharing time led by the R's elder son, Scott (who did a fabulous job).

Getting ready... tables and chairs everywhere!

So grateful for a lovely day and a big front porch

The boys made some side tables to go with the chairs on the porch so everyone had a place to sit

So glad to have a moveable island, made the serving go so much more smoothly

Since it was Father's Day, we insisted the Daddy's go first... they were really not sure about that!  LOL

Taco Salad... a family favorite and seems to be a favorite of everyone!

Eating and more eating

Riding bikes... looks like a parking lot... lol

Mr. R and Tony, eating and talking

Some of the fine young men we love

Children, children everywhere!  What a blessing!!

Nehemiah and the  young ladies

View from the loft

And now the starving children get to eat... hahaha

Such great fellowship

Soccer?  Or football? 

Judah... chowing down!

I wonder how many different games were going all at the same time?

Sweet little ladies... and dirt... a great combination!  Ally and Katharine... having so much fun!

Looks like they heard the dinner call!

Is this all the children?  No, no, I didn't think so!  They were getting ready for our hymn sing.

Everyone is all ready... what's the first song, Scott?

Darkness is no reason to stop Dodge Ball!

Ally Grace!

And they played and played and played... and rested a little...

Kayte and Isabelle

Mom L, Mom S and Mom B... just chatting!
We all had such a great time... maybe we should make this an annual event?! 

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