
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sweet, sweet fellowship...

I finally remembered to snap some photos... this was from our fellowship dinner on Saturday evening with the L's and B's.  :)  Precious, precious blessings in our lives.  I didn't get pictures of everyone because the littles had scattered to the yard and driveway, lol

Some of each of the families
Isaac, Jadon, Elijah
Sweet Sabre
Lovely girlies... McKenna, Isabelle and Carese
Caleb and Joseph
I wanted to share this video of 'Sweet Fellowship' by Acappella.  They are one of our favorite groups and this song just kept playing in my mind all evening.


  1. I know that sweet family!!!

    Hi Dana,
    I am friends with Rachel V. I ran across this on Angie's FB.
    Brings me such JOY to see that you have truly reached out to this precious family. God is good!

    Rhonda Poteet

  2. Ah Rhonda... we are the blessed ones!!


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