The Playroom, Reorganized...and Ready For Play!!!
And the children's computer area.
Here's a shot of the bathoom, we call it 'the monkey bathroom' -- not to be confused with 'the ducky bathroom' LOL!
And here's the open area we use for an exercise room. That tall cabinet has school stuff in it and there's a smaller cabinet to your left that has vhs tapes and dvds in it. The pantry is behind the tall cabinet, beside the window.
This is the doorway that leads from the kitchen 'downstairs'. That back left corner is now a bathroom.This is the area that was studded up and plumbed as a laundry room. This was a garage but did not have a garage door so all of the wood had been subjected to the weather to some degree for thirty years.
The window to your left is now the window right outside the pantry in the exercise area. The other window is in the playroom.
And here's one more before shot: